Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Pictures from recent adventures

Evilcat's wedding

And following dance partay!

Vacay at Mercer Lake


Rosie learned to use a diving board!

Cowfish at Newport Aquarium

A bear!

Monday, August 04, 2008


Hello internet!  Oh man, it's been over a month since a post!  How pathetic a blogger am I!  Well, for one thing, I have hardly even been in one place long enough to sit down long enough to type up a post.  There have been 4 consecutive weekend trips to the Eugene area and around and back, along with weddings and coast trips.  There has been much home organizing and furniture arranging, as well as working and wedding planning and birthday having.
So now I am 28.  and in less than 6 weeks I'll be hitched.  
The planning is coming along quite splendidly, though I still have moments of pure stress induced panic.  There are still so man little things.....  (If anyone wants to make me mix CD's of dance music, it would be greatly appreciated)
As far as random updates go, the bees are buzz buzz buzzing around, the worm population has grown and is happily munching my food scraps, the garden is going totally nuts even after sporadic watering habits.  
I'll try to post some pics soon, I've been taking so many and had no time to post any!