Wednesday, November 04, 2009

My letter to Craigslist

Hi there Craigslist,

I have had an interesting experience using craigslist. I posted an ad over a year ago, I believe it was September 2nd, '08. ( The ad was for free meal worms, and I was sort of panicked by this mass of meal worms in my worm bin and I posted the ad quite quickly and didn't use my craigslist account. Shortly after I had my neighbor come and take care of my meal worm issue, so I went in and deleted the ad. or so I thought..... Then I also deleted the posting emails. My mistake! I am STILL regularly getting phone calls and responses from this ad. I was under the impression that ads get deleted after 30 days. Mine seems to be out there in some craigslist vortex full of people desperate for meal worms.... who knew? I had no idea so many people would want meal worms.

In conclusion, could you please delete this ad that won't die? I don't have any more meal worms.

Thank you,
