Saturday, October 11, 2008

Real life/Cyber friends

So.... when someone deletes you from their "friends" list on their blog, are you no longer friends? Should you be insulted? Should you assume that the "friendship" is over? Should you give up on inquiries and any more attempts at hanging or reaching out? Seems kinda harsh to me....... Are all attempts at maintaining some kind of relations officially over when you're deleted off the "friends" links list?


pulpshopgirl said...

Hmm. Tough one. Think I'd be irked but you never know, it could be an innocent computer mistake.. Did it alert you to your new deleted status like we were hoping myspace would? (but doesn't - stupid unvengeful myspace!)

kungfuramone said...

The other possibility is that you just don't update your blog enough and they removed you as so much interweb detritus, even if they still love you very much as a person.

(Since you usually update once or twice a month, you still make MY cut, anyway.) :]