Monday, December 01, 2008

Turkey Day Vacay

Emme is way into matching again..... Aubs came to Ptown for the weekend and the few days before Thanksgiving. We went on a Target shopping spree to get matching clothes for the three of us. Lucky for us, Aubry and I fit into the larger sizes of some childrens clothes! These are our two main matching outfits:

We also did lots of crafts while visiting at my parents.
We made a wreath out of cookie cutters:

I made this cherry pie for our Thanksgiving dinner. It's made with cherries from my grandma's tree that i picked in the spring, pitted and froze.

We also made a gingerbread house. Santa has been abandoned by is reindeer, so sad....

Emme had a tree stuck to her shirt at one point!

Jeff carved the turkey, free range organic happy turkey. Thanks, Mom!

Baxter has grown into a big happy fatty snorty guy.

He and Rosie got along really well. Good cousins!

He's got a beautiful British smile.... the top row of his teeth are staggered like shark teeth! Gotta love that underbite, too.

So snuggly! The vibrations of his snoring are so soothing.....

Bulldog club! "Doggie evolution" or maybe devolution....


Spence's golden birthday on Thanksgiving.... I made him this hat with a little elephant on it.


Angelina said...

The matching clothes are cuter than cute, but I'd really like to see you three in footy jammies. Actually, I'd like to see everyone in them.

auna-go-round said...

cute cute so cute i almost want to throw up. thanks for the doggie pictures.