Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Here goes nothin'....

Well, I did it. I started a blog. I blame anatomist and kungfuramone mostly, and andie a little bit too.

So this is it. I'm living in a new place, have new jobs, new friends, and now a new blog. I had a really funny experience on my first day of my new photo job. This guy came in, I was helping him with some stuff and was doing some small photos for him, head shot id style. He was kind of cute, really nice, funny guy. We were chatting and I couldn't answer all his questions, so I told him I was new. So it came up that I had recently moved up here. He asked if I had been having a hard time meeting people. I told him I already had friends up here, so that helped. It was hard at first but I've been meeting people and making new friends lately, so it's gotten better. I totally thought he was going to ask me out or something, when he says "Well there's this church by the Ballard bridge you should go to." And he starts going into detail about where this church is. That was so totally not what I expected him to say, I was literally speechless. I didn't know how to respond! All I could think to say was, "Yeah, I know where the bridge is."

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