Friday, September 15, 2006

a touch of the stress

Well, i'm in Ptown househunting. This endeavor can be frustrating but we have a few to look at and I'm holding out hope that something fabulous will come along. Now the crappy thing about renting is sometimes your landlords kind of, shall we say for lack of a better term "screw you." It looks like I may have to take my landlords to small claims court for not refunding my deposit on time or entirely and yadda yadda yadda. on top of this un-funstuff I got a very strange message from an unknown woman who is related in some way to my landlords and their um, shall we say this time, "mentally off" nephew. I met the nephew a couple of times when I was moving out and there was one night he decided to knock on my door at 4 am which was fun. My mom and my sister, not to mention Rosie, really appreciated that one. Anyway, this woman has asked me to call her so I can talk to the nephew to tell him that we are not in a relationship. evidently he is having a mental breakdown, is delusional and thinks I'm his girlfriend. Wow. my life. wow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my. Please don't call regarding the nephew. Stay away. How the hell did this person get your number? So not cool. Get your money and be done with the whole lot.