Tuesday, July 04, 2006

it's too early

somehow my clock got set an hour ahead, so instead of getting up at 4:45 I actually got up at 3:45. I didn't realize it until after i showered and dressed and went into my kitchen where the clock said 4:15, and my phone said 4:15 and my computer said 4:15. so here I am.
anyway, i've got some fun new toys! my dad helped me buy a Pentax *ist DL for my birthday. (It's jsut a little early) It's pretty fancy for me. I've never had an SLR with autofocus. I'm still getting used to the whole contraption.
look, it's Rosie!

here is anatomist and I on our way to REI

this is my paparazzi pic of Big Daddy and anatomist, look! they shop! they're just like us!

I scored at the REI sale. I got an awesome tent and it was really cheap. I also got a few other camping necesseties, a good little stove and a camping french press! of course I came home and set up my tent immediately.

ok, it's almost time to actually go to work. i'm a little delirious this morning.


Anonymous said...

Click up there ^ for pics.

Ick - no one should work on the 4th. Really - No. One. 'Specially when you've got to get up a 4 friggin 45. It's wrong.

I finally got into film-dev mode at home and cooked up that roll of fillum from wrasslin'. Pushed the crap out of it, so it's a bit on the grainy side, but there's a few good ones.

Anonymous said...

Click up there ^ for pics.

Ick - no one should work on the 4th. Really - No. One. 'Specially when you've got to get up a 4 friggin 45. It's wrong.

I finally got into film-dev mode at home and cooked up that roll of fillum from wrasslin'. Pushed the crap out of it, so it's a bit on the grainy side, but there's a few good ones.

pulpshopgirl said...

I love the picture of Rosie in the tent. She looks so confused! BTW I want to go to REI really badly now. (I appologize for the use of text message shortcuts in a blog comment. I'll see to it that it never happens again.)