Saturday, July 08, 2006

things i like, things i will miss

Today was my last day at the camera shop. It was a good day, but really sad to leave. I reallly really like the people there. sometimes the job was aggravating, the machines all turned against me more than once, but it was for the most part an easy laid back job. with great discounts. basically I sat in the back in cut off jeans printing pictures, listening to the radio (kexp or npr) and talking on my cell phone. I also had fabulous co-workers. really really great people. and I like the voyeuristic-tasticness of printing other peoples pictures. today I printed some other peoples pictures of things that made me happy:
1. a dog licking an ice cream cone
2. a ferret sleeping in a ferret bed in a drawer
3. a pregnant bride
4. the pregnant bride and her bridesmaids all wearing large dark sunglasses
5. Mt. Rushmore
tomorrow is day 17 in a row of working. i think that beats my recent record........... I am really looking forward to monday off!
Andie mentioned that the new issue of knitty is out, I have to call attention to this amazing Sock Monkey Hat. OMG.

1 comment:

r? said...

Now if it were only pictures of a pregant feret in a wedding dress sleeping in a drawer...