Sunday, July 16, 2006


I'm packing up. packing for camping, packing for moving. packing heat, yo. My mom and sis are coming up tomorrow. I think they are going to save me. I am very very overwhelmed today with all this packing. thank jebus, help is on the way! and Pulpshopgirl is coming up on thursday with her giant truck. we're moving all my stuff into her garage in her new house in Ptown. the stuff that i am not packing in my car. so we've got a caravan of my mom and sis in an SUV, me and my Jetta, and Pulpshopgirl in a big ol' F250. if there is anything left that we can't fit in those vehicles I can send it down with Big D on his way to Eugene in his Dodge Sprinter. I am a lucky lucky gal to have such wonderful supportive helpful people in my life. I am eternally grateful. moving sucks, but help makes it suck much less than it could.
and you know what really sucks? packing tape. cheap crappy packing tape.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is it that time already!?!? I'll have to bust in on you on my way to or from Cali in October.

I always invest in the good packing tape on those easy use rolls with the teeth attached. Attach. Pulllll. Slice. Attach Pullll. Slice.