Sunday, July 02, 2006

a whole new dog

rosie is now ok around kids. better than ok even! she's awesome. i took her to my friend Sharon's nephew Ethan's 4th birthday party. there was a puppy there and Rosie played very nicely with the puppy, but even more remarkable was that she played very nicely with the human babies. I'm talking little toddler babies. the kind that walk up to dogs and whack them in the face as a petting tactic.
this is Rosie hanging out with Ethans little brother, Owen. he's the one that walked right up to her and whacked her in the face.


Anonymous said...

That's awesome! I bet she's a lot happier being able to play with other doggies.

pulpshopgirl said...

When I read 'a whole new dog' I instantly got that aladin song 'a whole new world' stuck in my head. Thanks alot! Just kidding. Congratulations. I'm so glad for Rosie and you.

hardcori said...

oh god, they keep playing that damn song in the grocery store where my coffee kiosk is. it sucks.