Wednesday, October 04, 2006

first Portland bike excursion

AL and i rode downtown today. I have this little freebie pocket bike route map, and while it is helpful, we got thrown off the route multiple times because ALL of portland is under construction. I mean, holy jeez city planners, can't you do one road at a time instead of the whole damn city? anyway, we got downtown eventually and had lunch at Bridgeport with SS and some of her co-workers. Then she gave us a tour of her place of employment where they "grow trade show solutions." It's quite impressive and now we both want to work there. They have enormous printer thingies. We also both applied at Pro Photo, and I applied at The North Face. My dad would be SO excited if i got a job at North Face. on our way back we got discombobulated again and took a bit of a roundabout way home. I'm tired now and all i want to do now is sit around and watch Buffy. I'm never going to finish unpacking.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When I first read this I somehow missed 'route map' and just read 'freebie pocket bike'. Wouldn't that be cool? I bet if pocket bikes existed you would have one. And you would have found it at a yardsale. And it would be pink.