Friday, October 13, 2006

settling in

I am loving my new home. It's very cozy and comfortable. here are some pictures!
I found my sheets and my pretty princess pink satin beaded dust ruffle. now my bed is complete! I also put up my grand canyon map, so my room is coming along quite well.

this is the view of the backard from my room. There's a giant fig tree back there.

from my other window I can lean out and pick apples!

I put my Pet Shop Boys in my closet. They look down and guide my fashion choices. See Neil's all "You're actually gonna wear that?" and Chris is like "I think she can pull it off."

Here's our upstairs tv room and craft room in progress. it's a fabulous hideaway..... this is where I will be all winter. watching Buffy and knitting.

Rosie in the living room. I love our pink walls. duh.

I borrowed my parents dehydrator, I've been dehydrating figs and apples! they're delicious. I bought an Apple Mate. It peels slices and cores! It is a truly fabulous invention. Up there with the bicycle and the modern combustion engine.

I also made an apple pie yesterday.


pulpshopgirl said...

Wow! I didn't even think about the fact that perhaps I could come over and borrow your borrowed dehydrater to dehydrate stuff and then food-save it at my house and have munchie snacks for ages! Wha ha ha!

Anonymous said...

I'm totally asking for a dehydrator for Christmas. Dried mango, pineapple, banana (not to mention the divine fig)....the possibilities are endless.

Anonymous said...

everything looks so good down there, hardcori! it makes me wanna move in with you... but not really cause i love my house and my roomates too much. isn't life great? aren't we lucky?

hardcori said...

libby- of course you can borrow my borrowed dehydrator! maybe in exchange I can use your food-saver......
68minkeys- do it.
khya- we are so very lucky. and i would love it if you moved in with me, but I won't be expecting it.

Anonymous said...

God, that pet shop boys thing made me laugh out loud. I think I need a similar strategy. Unfortunately the only poster in my closet is of Lenin and Stalin. I just don't trust their fashion advice.