Sunday, October 22, 2006

jumping bean dog

We - AL, DeerPee, SadieFur and myself - went hiking in Forest Park today. we hiked about 8 miles. It's an amazing park, 5,000 acres! and lots and lots of trails. It was lovely.

AL was making Rosie jump for a stick

here's the best jump for last!

here's a normal one of Rosie to remind everyone how cute she is. and she doens't always look like a crazy flying demon dog.

DeerPee and i were very excited when Rosie and Sadie said hello to each other and didn't fight. Last time the two of them were together they got in quite a tussle. SadieFur has problems with other dogs too, so we tried the training collar on her. It was amazing! it only took about two dogs going past for her to stop, sit, and look the other way. she would hide behind DeerPee's knees. Usually she barks and lunges.

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