Tuesday, May 16, 2006

not so bad after all

Last night after a little bit of liquid courage I got around to trying out the shock collar on myself, and on some friends! Thanks y'all, that was a good time! I feel much much better now about putting it on Rosie. It's not so bad after all! it feels weird, not exactly pleasant, but it doesn't HURT. I see why she would jump and why she would respond. She's been much better behaved even without the collar on today. It's so so SO exciting. I am looking forward to working with her a whole lot more! When I got back home today our new "Remote Training" collar and transmitter were waiting for us. I plugged 'em in to charge, and I've been reading all the little booklets. I probably won't stop talking about this for a long long time. Like I don't already just post about my dog.......now hopefully it will be better news! I am just so excited about the possibilities! and so relieved that this may be the solution to her behavior problems!
This was a great weekend. not just because of the Rosie miracle. I had a great time in Eugene! It was crazy busy and hectic, but an all around fabulous time!

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