Wednesday, May 03, 2006

so many things, and so many links to them

Big D and I had a pic-nic at the beach today. we took Rosie, so we didn't go on the actual beach. Rosie barked at everything, other dogs, scuba divers, old ladies, and especially birds. I liked watching the sailboats. though sometimes i got really scared 'cause they SO looked like they were going to tip over.

I posted my pinhole picture on the pinhole day website. it's of rosie and my yard flamingos. they're blurs of pretty color.

also, i set up a myspace page for our wrestling team. be our friends!

if you haven't already seen/heard/read Stephen Colbert's little roast at the white house press corps dinner, i strongly recommend it. check here or here. (thanks to anatomist for the links)

one other thing that REALLY pissed me off this evening, the most obnoxious commercial about HPV. check out HPV causes cervical cancer? who'da thunk it? so get pap tests. yeah......but don't mention ANYTHING about vaccines for HPV that are still unavailable due to opposition mostly from the religious right. 'cause if we ain't gonna get cancer from sex we might just go and have it more. check out this article, Virginity or Death. It's a good one......

here's some interesting websites about more upsetting stuff: Energy Bulletin - Peak Oil: Life after the Oil Crash - The Oil Drum : Discussions about Energy - DIE OFF good stuff there.

on a completely different note, DAMN! LOST was INTENSE! that was a twist I didn't see coming!


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Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.