Tuesday, June 27, 2006

a fabulous day

a list of fabulous things from today:

- opened @ the coffee kiosk, it was slow and easy and a grand ol' time
- cleaned my apartment, did massive amounts of laundry
- gave my notice to my landlords, which went extrememly well
- made my schedule for the next two weeks which will be the last two weeks of working two jobs
- swimming with khya at a beautiful lake where rosie is allowed to swim and it is only 2 miles from my house!
- rosie was a very good off leash doggie
- really yummy noodles and veggies with peanut sauce for dinner
- my dahlias are blooming and the weather is gorgeous
- got a buffy dvd in the mail which i am going to watch while i knit

(list dedicated to kungfuramone for his love of lists)

the ball is rolling.....i have given notices and am making arrangements. summer adventures are fastly approaching, followed by relocation to Portland.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay for Cori in Portland! No hard feelings, Seattlites?