Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Wrassling tonight......

Oh boy.....our first match is tonight! Pop Roxxx vs. Westward Ho's at the SSP Pajama jammy jam at the Re-Bar. Yes, i said pajama jammy jam! I have to admit....I'm a wee bit nervous. trying not to get that barfy feeling. but it'll be fine, it'll be fine!

so the photo's turned out all right. But it looks like i sprained my wrist doing the shoot. I guess its bound to happen when you hold a camera for nearly 5 hours, after having not taken pictures for a long long time. So I'm all taped up and have been alternating between the blue gel ice pack and the bag of frozen peas. Oh the irony of injuring myself more severely shooting pictures for wrestling than actually wrestling....... and now I have been rendered fairly useless as a barista. Trying to steam milk and pull shots with one right hand was interesting. so i was forced to take today off, which is a blessing in its way but I hate it when i can't work. and its not like i can catch up on my knitting allowed with a bunk wrist.

anyway, here are a few of the headshots that are going to be in the program for the Showbox show

Beer Barians

Throttle Rockets

Westward Ho's

Tsunami Sisters

Pop Roxxx

New Male Order Vixens

I <3 Ilford XP2

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