Monday, August 14, 2006

almost 24 hours of adventure with Aaron and Robin

last night aaron, robin, and i decided to pack a back pack full of beers and hike through the woods behind my parents house to Mt. baldy and the ridgeline trail. it was an epic adventure. it was pitch black on the way up, we had no flash lights and the only way we could find the trail was to follow rosie and her gleaming white butt. we made it up the hill through the woods and into the meadow, where i saw a big shooting star. (there is supposedly a meteor show happening, part of the reason for hiking at night) Then we went through more dark woods and up to the top of the hill. we hung out at the top and watched the city lights of Eugene blink. then we headed down the other side of the mtn, where the trail is very pitted and rutted from mtn bike tires. by then the moon was out though, so we could see for some of the time. We got to the end of the trail and there was an ENORMOUS house being built, so we hung out at the construction site for a bit.

By the time we got back to my parents house it was really late. We found my moms "cooking" wine, just a big bottle of cheap wine, and drank some wine while watching the DVD of the pindowngirls rebar show, and then we watched bad sci-fi until we all fell asleep in the living room. It was so high school! I loved it.

then today we gathered some gals and went swimming.

Now I'm packing a bag to go back on over to florence and meet up with my mom, my grandma, and my grandmas sister (i believe that makes her my great aunt) over at Mercer Lake. the fun just don't stop.

and no, they haven't fixed my car yet or figured out what the hell is wrong with it. Hopefully they'll have it figured out by tomorrow. thats what they said anyway..... so i'm crossing my fingers

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The last time I stumbled across a house in the dark being built there were M80s involved. Those suckers are loud!!

Can't wait for the next hardcori adventure.