Monday, August 07, 2006

here, there, anywhere

my last days in Seattle have dwindled down to 1. tomorrow is my departure. It has been a really fun last couple of weeks. So fun that it makes it that much harder to leave. I've been partying fast and furious. It's going to be really hard to leave my lovely beautiful fabulous friends here. They're so good to me. I may not deserve them, but I appreciate them. Auna has let me sleep in her living room for two whole weeks, on top of that she takes great care of me and spoiled me rotten on my birthday. and I get really drunk with her boyfriend and we talk about how awesome she is. Yay! Three cheers for Auna and Chris! and to all my Seattle peeps who I love and will miss and will come visit. and who should all come visit me in Portland.

I feel like I am breaking up with Seattle.
Oh Seattle, I love you, but we're just not meant to be together right now. It's not you, you're great. It's me. I have commitment issues. I want to see other cities. It's just too soon to settle down. We've had a lot of great times together, and I will always treasure those memories. I hope we can still be friends.

what I did in Seattle: a list
1. lived in a trailer in anatomist's backyard
2. got evicted from said trailer by the city
3. became a wrestler
4. did some underwear modeling
5. a. had many jobs b. became a barista
6. made many awesome friends

now on to the traveling: I may not be able to post much on the road, so I'll tell y'all ahead of time where I'm going
first: to Wheeler to visit Angelina, then to Santa Rosa to pick up AL, then camping in the Redwoods in Mendocino, visiting Ashland, possibly Crater Lake, then back to Eugene/Portland area to couch surf/camp in backyards/ do some local camping, look for a house in Portland


pulpshopgirl said...

I think Seattle will miss you too. I mean, it would be a cold hearted snake to not miss you. And I'm sure it understands and you will still be friends and keep in touch.

Anonymous said...

Bye, Cori!! I will miss you and your trigger happy laugh. Have super oodles of fun on the road, take lots of pictures, and I'll definitely be seeing you in October.