Friday, January 05, 2007

mac haters

It turns out that real estate ain't so mac compatable. I seem to have a problem. I can't access the RMLS web that I need to use. It just ain't mac compatable AT ALL. I am going to download a virtual machine, so I can install windows software to run the RMLS stuff. I also have this keycard palm thing that accesses lockboxes, it has to be updated everyday through the computer or an analog phone line. My problem now is.......does anyone have a windows XP install disc I can borrow?


Anonymous said...

I hate that crap. I've encountered a bit of this around here too, with various programs I need to use...

I ended up getting parallels for mine...

Ransom said...

The thing that torques me off the worst about things like RMLS is that the whole point of the Internet is interoperability. It shouldn't matter what kind of computer you're using, or even what browser, as long as it complies with standards.

To build a website that uses a bunch of non-standards-compliant features available only by using Internet Explorer on Windows is inexcusable in my book. Also, stupid.

hardcori said...

HERE HERE, ransom! inexcusable!