Monday, January 15, 2007

madness is all in the mind

Well I decided to hold off on the PC purchasing. I can update my lockbox thing at the office, and I'll just have to do all my RMLSweb stuff here too. I just won't be able to work from home and that might be a good thing for me for a bit, because otherwise I might never stop working. This will also force me to come into the office all the time which is good too. I've been house shopping, but it's not going so well. I found one I love, but it has a pending offer already and my dad is waffling on our whole strategy so i don't know whats going on.
I had a great weekend though, chock full of fun.
friday night: saw Marie Antoinette at the laurelhurst with the Ladies. entertaining film, kinda long and kinda bad at the same time. But they showed her playing peasant in her peasant village, so that was good.
saturday: ran mass amount of errands with AL, went to the Y and sat in the sauna and steam room. then went out with paula deer and her friend blanche to an old timey music fest! square dancing! it was SO FUN.
sunday: showed houses to my parents, went to the Blazers game and got to watch Iverson play, he's pretty amazing. (yes, i know I sound like I'm becoming a jock, and maybe I am.....) then had hot movie date with cute boy. good times.


Anonymous said...

Does that mean we'll be seeing more hickey pictures posted?

hardcori said...

a lady never tells! but when have i ever been a lady?

khya something said...

who is cute boy?