Wednesday, January 10, 2007

still mac haters

looks like i'm going to have to buy a cheap pc for my real estate stuff. gar. stoopid stoopid stoopid!


r? said...

Cor, you could just spring for a cheep intel mac instead...the new ones can run both Mac osX and windows nativly...Maybe the macMini...

looks like $599 retail...w/o a screen keys or a mouse, but you could just thrift those.

hardcori said...

that ain't cheap enough... I'm looking at $150 or thereabouts. eventualy i would like to get a new intel mac laptop....eventually

Anonymous said...

you should convince dad to get a new one and jsut take the old one from make sure to check craigslist!!! I think i saw something for 200 the whole set! damn cori that really sux!! but soonish you'll have tons of money to buy a new nice one!!
miss you! <3 aubry