Friday, March 17, 2006

knitting in the BATH?

That's right, I tried it. Pulpshopgirl inspired me to work on my plastic bag bag, because she finished hers. I've been working on mine for ages, (see pic of craft night about one month ago)

and I still haven't finished. I really wanted to take a bath, because I worked for 11 hours today and it sounded real nice. But I also wanted to knit, I figured heck, it's plastic. It worked ok, but since my fingers were wet it was kind of sticky and slow going. Maybe knitting and baths are two great things that aren't so great together. Now it's time for a movie and knitting in bed! also a delicious nutritious dinner of popcorn.
I think it is also time for a picture of Khya, just because I can. I even left the red eye intact, i think it adds to the overall effect. The video of her singing along to the BeeGees while thus adorned is even better. but the still photo will suffice.


pulpshopgirl said...
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pulpshopgirl said...

i fucked up my comment and deleted it, hope you don't mind. what I said was, my bag bag is much smaller than yours so you shouldn't feel too bad. but i spelled stuff wrong. this comment is much better. :)