Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Ladies Litre Nite @ Prost

Tonight was ladies litre night at prost, and it far exceeded my expectations. i would elaborate, but I drank 2 litres of beer and realy need to goto bed. While at the bar, i finished this scarf. I'm pretty proud of myself for a few reasons, #1, I knit and drank litres at the same time. being a big fan of multi-tasking, this is an acomplishment. #2 I finished a knitting project at the bar. ok, so i still haven't technically finsihed, I need to weave in the ends, but it was finished enough to wear home.

and because knitting is funny on rosie, here's a good shot. i don't think she approves.....


hardcori said...

I'm impressed i posted, too.....even if it is a little misspelled here and there. i don't know what s wrong with rosie's face! i don't know how that happened!

pulpshopgirl said...

cool scarf! what kind of stitch is that? i think i would take my knitting to the bar all the time but the smokeyness is a bad factor. portland will probably be nonsmoking too soon, i would think, and then i could. :)

hardcori said...

it's just stockinette, so its a big curly tube. I used really big yarn, and #15's

Anonymous said...

I've taken so many pictures where I came out with that same expression. I just think she closed her eyes in anticipation of the FLASH! You should use Rosie as your model more often. I see booties in the future.

Anonymous said...

Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed looking at your site, I found it very helpful indeed, keep up the good work.