Saturday, April 08, 2006

yay for bluetooth technology

every once in awhile i take steps to utilize the technology i know i am capable of using but do not take advantage of. sometimes its after a few drinks. well, how bout that bluetooth? I am familiar and quite fond of wireless internet. but i just hooked up my new phone to my lap top with this whole bluetooth thing. Cool. My phone is just sitting there, and i can access it with magical invisibleness.
tonight i played games with some really fun people. we played apples to apples. i like the theory where the cards you win reflect your personality. these were mine:

I think they're appropriately contradictory.

today was my sixth day in a row at work. this week has been crazy, for lots of non work reasons, but also because of too much work. the crazy work part has been the bosses being out of town, and all the machines breaking. murphy's law and such. today i managed to get some chemicals on my watch which then got on my wrist, and i had some sort of allergic reaction. after all my years of working with photo chemistry, i've never had this happen. lucky for me, my coworker often has her young son at work and she happened to have some desinex (somethign like that) diaper cream on hand. it was soothing, but i smelled like baby but for the rest of the day. and it got white marks on my shirt that looked like those "embarrasing" deodorant marks the commercials try to make you live in fear of.

i am shaking my diaper rash cream smeared chemically burned wrist and blazing fist of fury at the chemical spilling machine after unclogging it's second paper jam.

and this is what i stare at most of the day. i decorated the penholder myself, btw.

well Pulpshopgirl has some big news that i wish she would hurry up and post about so i could start flapping my yap about it too, but I guess that post will just have to wait.


Anonymous said...

Why didn't you show us your war wound? I posted some more pics from game night on my blog. That was fun.

hardcori said...

there weren't any war wounds to show! teh desiniex did the trick and the rash went away!

pulpshopgirl said...

mean photo machine! oh, and i posted. you can blab all you want.

Anonymous said...

Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.